[PlanetCCRMA] Linux

Ebrahim Mayat ebmayat at mac.com
Thu Mar 19 06:03:00 PDT 2009

On Tue, 2009-03-17 at 12:19 -0700, Paul Kirk wrote: 
> Does anyone have any experience running Linux on a Mac, either in a  
> virtual machine, or running natively? 

It is possible to run Fedora, Ubuntu and Gentoo on Apple hardware. For
starters, you could boot from live iso images without affecting your
existing installation of OS X on your Mac. If you like your experience,
then you could create an empty partition on your hard disk and install
Linux from your live iso image. 

Look in the list archives since I do remember that there were previous
reports of installng F8 on Mac Books.

Also look at:

Julius Smith's blog is also extremely helpful.


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