[PlanetCCRMA] Install of Planet CCRMA for 64-bit Fedora 10 Went Well Except On Rebooting There Is No New rt Kernel

Sean Beeson seanbeeson at gmail.com
Sat Mar 14 07:49:46 PDT 2009

> > Well, after reading up on adding kernels to grub, I know that I just
> > need to make an entry just like what is there which points to the new
> > kernel. However, the only initrd img file on my system is the one you
> > see in my grub.conf
> Then something went wrong with the kernel-rt install. Did you get an
> error message perhaps? The kernel should have been automatically added
> and configured.
> You should erase the rt kernel ("rpm -e kernel-rt") and install it again
> ("yum install kernel-rt").

In end I completely reinstalled the OS and the Planet CCRMA repos to see how
it ran under the 32-bit fc10. I now have fc10 64-bit running and the rt
kernel build this time. I recall now that I was having some network packet
loss when I when the PlanetCCRMA bits were downloading. One curious thing is
that when I did run "rpm -e kernel-rt" and "yum install kernel-rt" I got

[root at ceres sean]# rpm -e kernel-rt
error: Failed dependencies:
kernel-x86_64 = is needed by (installed)

[root at ceres sean]# yum install kernel-rt
Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit
Setting up Install Process
Parsing package install arguments
Package kernel-rt- already installed and
latest version
Nothing to do

Although it's a mute point now since I got the kernel build and working

The 64-bit version is sounding really good through the M-Audio Fast Track
Pro I am using and all that I have run together so far, qjackctl, qsynth,
zynaddsubfx, hydrogen and rosegarden work well, although I am getting some
Qt errors from a couple of them and a kdailog missing error form rosgarden.
Those weren't show stops and I can take them on later.

Thanks for your help,

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