[PlanetCCRMA] sound card recomendations?

Linux Media linuxmedia4 at netscape.net
Fri Mar 13 23:34:53 PDT 2009

 >> Dear All,
 >> I will need to buy a new soundcard as mine is starting to falter. I'm
 >> looking for a 4 channels (or even 8), if it includes midi as well
 >> would be
 >> better. I do very little recording-studio work mostly I use it for
 >> interactive performance.
 >> Pricewise up to $350 or so.
 >> thanks
 >> Oded

> Hi Oded,
> If you don't mind getting into Firewire (ffado-world) on Linux go for
> one of the Focusrite Saphire interfaces. There were some postings
> describing success stories on this list few weeks ago.
>    --* Juan

Yeah, I was one of them and I'm still trying to get around to posting a 
"HOWTO" for the focusrite Saffire Pro 10 on CCRMA/Fedora_10. It will 
also include why I went with firewire instead of the other interfaces, 
but this would be my input about that:

I've read that PCMCIA is slowly being phased out and express card will 
be it's replacement.

I got the impression from posts to various Audio Lists that USB 
interfaces still suffer from latency problems, but if people have 
successes with them, then I hope they mention it here. I read there's a 
USB 3.0 coming out which may be better, but I don't know much about it.

Sorry for the delays in posting the HOWTO for the Focusrite Saffire Pro 
10, but I have been busy with also learning the ffado-mixer and planning 
a manual for that that will be posted on the ffado site. I will let all 
know when that is ready so I can post the links to it here.


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