[PlanetCCRMA] Nvidia GeForce 7300 GT and RT kernel

David Nielson naptastic at comcast.net
Fri Mar 13 15:42:28 PDT 2009

I just tried these instructions on a fresh install of Fedora 10 after 
updating and installing CCRMA. There is no xorg.conf file by default, 
but manually generating a configuration file (X -configure :1) and 
moving it to /etc/X11/xorg.conf solved that problem; otherwise, 
everything went perfectly and worked on the first try.

Has anyone experienced new or increased xruns due to the "Binary Blob" 
drivers? I haven't investigated this myself, but I do notice that the 
desktop animations are smoother under the -rt kernel than under the 
stock Fedora kernel.

*DEEP BREATH* Having spent 6 months in Ubuntu-land, I've gotta say it's 
SOOOO GREAT to be back on the Planet! Even using the -rt kernel and high 
latencies, I would always get xruns under Ubuntu; under Fedora, I can go 
hours and hours without getting a single one.

Thanks, everybody!


Hector Centeno wrote:
> Hello John,
> I have a Nvidia 8600 and just reinstalled Fedora 9 and CCRMA and
> installed the latest driver for Linux from the Nvidia web site. It
> works fine for me (not sure if it applies to FC8, though, but it did
> for me in the past). This is what I did (sorry if it's just obvious
> things for you that you have already tried):
> 1. After everything got installed (Fedora updates and CCRMA packages)
> I installed the kernel-rt-devel package.
> 2. Downloaded the latest Nvidia driver
> 3. Changed the driver to "nvidia" instead of "nv in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file
> 4. Reboot, it will fail to show the login screen.
> 5. Say NO to any warnings/offerings and then login
> 6. Go to where the nvidia driver was downloaded and execute it. ( sh
> NVIDIA-Linux-x86-177.82.pkg1.run )
> 7. Follow the instructions (say no to download a driver for your
> kernel and say yes to configure the xorg.conf file)
> 8. Reboot and done.
> If you have tried this procedure already, what did fail? Any error messages?
> Cheers,
> Hector
> On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 8:54 PM, JOHN LYON <jalyon at shaw.ca> wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I've been a PlanetCCRMA user for many years, but got busy with other things
>> and unsubscribed to this mailing list. Things were working, and I thought I
>> didn't need help.   I like this distribution of audio apps very much, but I
>> have a problem.  I can't get my nVidia GeForce 7300 GT video card to work
>> with the real-time kernel. I've put about a week of research and effort into
>> it, reading from forums all over the place, including this mailing list.
>> The problem seems to have cropped up with the newer nVidia drives for
>> Linux.  (177.* but going back to 103.* --- these are version numbers from
>> the nVidia drivers download and archived drivers web site)
>> The recent nVidia drivers work fine for the non-preemptive (standard) Fedora
>> Core 8 kernels, including the most recent one.  I read that you can build
>> from source nvidia RPMs from the Livna repository, but I'm not sure how that
>> will help, because they aren't built for the real-time kernels either.
>> Has anyone on this list had this problem and, if so, have you managed to
>> find a solution?  If so, please direct me to an answer, or share one if you
>> have it.
>> Fernando?
>> Thanking you in advance,
>> John
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