[PlanetCCRMA] FC10 Rhythmbox skips

Sean Beeson seanbeeson at gmail.com
Thu Mar 12 08:54:44 PDT 2009

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 8:27 AM, William M. Quarles <walrus at bellsouth.net>wrote:

> Timo Sivula wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I would like to use Rhythmbox for mp3 playback and streaming.
> > Unfortunately it skips and crackles randomly during playback making it
> > impossible to use. I tried to google this for a solution, but found only
> > other people complaining about the same issue.
> >
> > This bug makes Rhythmbox unusable. Has anyone solved this?
> I can't even play an audio CD on Rhythmbox without it locking up or
> crashing, so you're doing better than I am right now.
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Well, if you are playing mp3s on a fc10 install through Rythmbox you had to
have installed most likely lame. I am not sure about the status of lame at
the moment, but mp3 is a patented codecs which must be licensed to use.
Rythmbox purely uses some other code to decode or encode any codecs on your
system. Lame claims to be licensed under the LGPL. It is not included with
most distros because of the legal issue involved.  I recommend you look into
what is suppossed to be decoding your mp3s. A simple 'find / -name lame'
might turn up something, if it is lame. I had Rythmbox working in Fedora 7
because I used some dirty rpms that not longer are avalible.

I am running Rythmbox on a freash install of fc10 and it sounds great
playing WAV, OGG and FLAC files I have. I just tested out a CD and there are
no cracks or skips. I do have some mp3s that Rythmbox tried to import and
told me I needed an mp3 decoder for mp3. I am pretty sure you'll have to use
lame and trying to troubleshoot what is most likely the lame that is
installed on your computer now might be the place to start. I opened up
Audacity because it used to use lame to use mp3s, but with the Planet CCRMA
Audacity wasn't compiled to use mp3s. Not sure if after you have lame
install that it will find it. Some version before used to let you point to
the lame install and it worked fine. I recommend you go to Lame's own site
and see what you get there.


I try as hard as possible to stay away from mp3. No iPod and iTunes for me.
Mp3s pale to other codecs IMHO.
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