[PlanetCCRMA] Hydrogen on F10 crashes desktop when starting.

Nigel Henry cave.dnb2m97pp at aliceadsl.fr
Thu Mar 26 15:58:43 PDT 2009

Anyone having problems with Hydrogen on F10?

Each time I try to start it from the desktop icon, it opens the splash for 
hydrogen, and the info window. the splash goes away, but when I click on OK 
on the info window for hydrogen, it immediately crashes the KDE, or Gnome 
desktop, bringing me back to the GDM login.

Today I installed VLC, and after trying that with a DVD, I tried Hydrogen 
again, and for the first time I got Hydrogen to open. Played a few demo's, 
then closed it. Then opened Hydrogen again, but it's gone back to crashing the 
desktop as before.

Anyone else seeing this behaviour? If so, any possible fixes.

Hydrogen version is 0.9.3 from the rpmfusion repo

Amd64 processor, but all distros installed are 32bit (i386)

Pulseaudio is disabled with an: apt get remove alsa-plugins-pulseaudio

Just also tried ssh'ing into F10 from my FC2 install, and running Hydrogen 
from FC2, and it works ok. perhaps it's a graphics problem on the F10 
install, but other GUI audio apps, ZynAddSubFX, MhWaveedit, Sonic Visualiser, 
etc, work without problems.

Any hints as to why Hydrogen is always crashing the desktop on F10 (apart from 
one occasion) would be welcome.


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