[PlanetCCRMA] PulseAudio, ALSA and Jack -- Where's The Forest? I Only See Trees.

Tracey Hytry shakti at bayarea.net
Tue Mar 17 13:31:24 PDT 2009

> I did find  a man page on dice.net for Jackd. Are the man pages taken
> out of the Planet CCRMA to save space? 

Sometimes, when I don't find man or info pages I do a "rpm -qil package_name" to see which binaries are installed.   Some of the packages have a lot of stuff in them and it may take a bit of scrolling to find everything, but it's usually well laid out.  Then, I try "binary_from_package --help" to see if that gives me some clues as to how to use the programs.

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