[PlanetCCRMA] FC10 Rhythmbox skips

Martin Tarenskeen m.tarenskeen at zonnet.nl
Thu Mar 12 12:40:46 PDT 2009

On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 12:54:44AM +0900, Sean Beeson wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 8:27 AM, William M. Quarles <walrus at bellsouth.net>wrote:

> Well, if you are playing mp3s on a fc10 install through Rythmbox you had to
> have installed most likely lame. I am not sure about the status of lame at
> the moment, but mp3 is a patented codecs which must be licensed to use.
> Rythmbox purely uses some other code to decode or encode any codecs on your
> system. Lame claims to be licensed under the LGPL. It is not included with
> most distros because of the legal issue involved.  I recommend you look into
> what is suppossed to be decoding your mp3s. A simple 'find / -name lame'
> might turn up something, if it is lame. I had Rythmbox working in Fedora 7
> because I used some dirty rpms that not longer are avalible.

Things are a little easier these days. Just install the rpmfusion-free 
and rpmfusion-nonfree repositories on top of Fedora 10. Then you can 
have all the apps and codecs you need for MP3 and other video and audio 
stuff. Rpmfusion and Fedora work very well together. No "dirty rpms" 


Martin Tarenskeen

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