[PlanetCCRMA] low latency kernel - doesn't run on my machine but is it really necessary

David Nielson naptastic at comcast.net
Wed Mar 4 08:58:17 PST 2009

PD for live performances will require very low latencies, so getting the 
-rt kernel to work will probably be necessary for what you're trying to 
do. You can try jackd with the regular kernel and see what kind of 
performance you get, but you will not be able to get as low of latencies 
as you will with the -rt kernel.

Luckily, the RME hardware has Very, Very Good driver support. I 
seriously doubt that your Multiface is the reason for the kernel problem.

The bad news is, that means it's a problem somewhere in the -rt tree, 
and you will probably have to either file a bug report yourself to get 
it fixed, or wait and "hope" that the problem magically gets fixed in an 
upcoming kernel. (Frequently, this is what happens.)


Lao Yu wrote:
> Hi there,
> I read Fernando Lopez-Lezcano's word about the kernel carefully in  
> that the latest Fedora kernels are perhaps 'good enough'. I want to  
> use pd for life performances so I think the optimized kernel should  
> be better.
> However it doesn't run on my machine. When the kernel starts there is  
> an -unusual- page with tracing info etc and once the white progress  
> line of Fedora 10 reaches the end the machine would sit there and not  
> move any further.
> My machine is a Sony Vaio Z series dual core machine, I was careful  
> to install Fedora 10 for the i386 architecture. The audio interface  
> is connected via the express32 card (RME multiface) - may the failure  
> of the kernel be an issue of the hardware? Also, I'm not a computer  
> specialist, I would have a real hard time to understand why the  
> kernel doesn't run and then eventually fix it.
> So of course, the question is, is it worth trying?
> Best
> Jurgen
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