[PlanetCCRMA] usb audio interface comparisons

Lamar Owen lowen at pari.edu
Wed Jun 24 19:21:31 PDT 2009

On Wednesday 24 June 2009 09:28:36 pm francis keyes wrote:
> M-Audio Fast Track Pro (and/or Ultra)
> Edirol UA-100

> I have gathered from other postings that the Fast Track will work.  Can
> anyone report success using the Edirol UA-100 with Linux/CCRMA?

I had a UA-100 once upon a time; got damaged by water a couple of years ago.  
It was not at that time (2006) supported in ALSA at all, but there was a weird 
non-ALSA driver for it that kinda sorta worked.  Not really a standard USB 
audio device.  Since it has been since late 2006 (the unit was flooded on New 
Year's Eve that year), the situation may have improved some, but I haven't 
followed it.

> Also, any other suggestions for cards I should be looking at?

Tascam US x2y (122, 224, 428).  Supported in ALSA, but somewhat odd in the 
support of the control surface.  I have a US-428, but haven't done too much 
with it, since I also had an Echo Layla, and now have an M-Audio Delta 1010-LT 
(which works swimmingly).  The Layla required the echomixer utility to work 
right, but it is a great (non-USB) device.  But I am getting ready to do a CD 
for a local bluegrass gospel artist who wants to layer multiple instruments 
(she plays mandolin, banjo, and guitar) as well as harmonize with herself, so 
I have got to get a portable full-duplex low-latency outfit running pretty 
soon.  She's recording the primary tracks (lead vocal and guitar) on my Edirol 
R-09, but for the layering I'll need more.  So expect more information about 
the suitability of the US-428 in the near future.
Lamar Owen
Chief Information Officer
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
1 PARI Drive
Rosman, NC  28772

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