[PlanetCCRMA] Behringer VampDesign2; cannot get it to work in fc10 with wine

Bengt Månsson bengt.mansson at gmail.com
Tue Jun 16 13:50:53 PDT 2009

I just got a V-amp and try to get its editor working in fc10.i386 with wine.
It's a fresh stock standard fedora+ccrma install.

Graphics not ok. The controls are a bit off.
Cannot get Midi or Sound working at all with wine.
(just confirmed that midi works ok with rosegarden)

Dont know if this is specific to VampDesign2 or a more general wine issue.
Dont really know what to expect.
Has anybody been successful?
Is 32 or 64 bit installation better than the other?
Are there any detailed guides anywhere (have not found any)?

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