[PlanetCCRMA] fedora 11 support at the Planet...

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Jun 9 17:02:38 PDT 2009

On Tue, 2009-06-09 at 11:08 -0700, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> Just a heads up before the list is flooded with questions about when is
> Fedora 11 landing on the Planet :-)
> I'm working on it. It turns out that Fedora 11 changed some internal
> workings of rpm/yum which means my build system server no longer works
> (for building F11 packages). I've been working for a couple of days on
> it and just now there are glimmers of hope.
> A lot of Planet CCRMA packages have already migrated to Fedora so if you
> install plain F11 you may get what you need. But find out first :-) For
> example, you will not have an rt kernel or jackmp, etc, etc... 

Well, if you go to the repoview pages you'll see some stuff (the builder
is working, yay!)...


The planetccrma-repo package is there, as well as an rt kernel, rtirq
and a planetccrma-core(-PAE) metapackage. Install as usual, but only for
good sports. 

_No_ testing done whatsoever, except to verify that the packages install
in a mach chroot environment. The kernel-rt is the same (rebuilt) as the
one in fc10 testing - I have been using it for a while with no side
effects or hangs but maybe I'm just lucky. Feedback appreciated. 

Test carefully. 
No need yet to migrate to 11 yet :-)

The summary from Orcan about Fedora itself is __great__! Thanks!!
-- Fernando

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