[PlanetCCRMA] Jack packaging.

Knut-Håvard Aksnes kna at tirsdagsklubben.nu
Fri Feb 20 07:14:38 PST 2009

Is it possible to move the jack documentation out in a separate package? 
My problem is that i am running planet ccrma on a x86_64 machine running 
Fedora 10. I am running the x86_64 version of Fedora 10 and PlanetCCRMA 
but want to install wine. The problem is that wine depends on the i386 
version jack-audio-connection-kit, with the current packages the x86_64 
versions and the i386 versions can't be installed together due to 
conflicts in the /usr/share/doc/jack-audio-connection-kit-1.9.1 
directory,  the files are probably the same.
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