[PlanetCCRMA] Fedora vs CentOS

Roy Vestal rvestal at trilug.org
Tue Feb 10 10:38:06 PST 2009

CentOS is more to my liking as I do not want my libraries and packages  
updating ever few weeks/months. As I have run into this being a  
problem with video/audio drivers in the past (before using CCRMA) I  
didn't want it to bleed over into my music studio. I don't mind  
sacrificing the latest version of package "X" for the stability of the  
libraries and the OS.  I've been using RH/FC/F since RHL 4.x, and I  
personally like the release model of RHEL/CentOS over Fedora. Again,  
this is personal taste.

Here's more on the CentOS release cycle:

It's really up to you. There is no "major" difference from what I've  
seen in performance, reliability, only in release cycle. It's as Luis  
stated, you really just need to look at your needs vs wants (eye- 
candy, 'bleeding edge' software, etc).

And from the FWIW dept: I started using CCRMA on FC6 since CentOS  
wasn't supported at the time and I didn't know much about the packages  
and dependencies. That old box is *still* working, just not used as  
much. I keep it around for the older files I still support.

My setup:
CentOS 5.2 (KDE desktop)
Latest CentOS 5.x CCRMA-RT kernel
NVidia NVS 285
Delta 1010
Dual 250GB SATA 7,200rpm data drives
80GB boot drive

Ardour 2
Hydrogen (with drumkits)
LADSPA and all plugins

This setup is working great for me. I've produced 2 CD's and am  
working on a new one for myself personally, and am starting to play  
with MIDI for jingles and such.


On Feb 6, 2009, at 4:42 PM, Luis Garrido wrote:

> As I understand it life cycle is considerably shorter in Fedora, so
> you would have to upgrade to a new version more or less every 1-1.5
> years if you don't want to stop receiving updates and bug fixes. Those
> major upgrades are rarely uneventful, and can be downright traumatic.
> CentOS is more stable.
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