[PlanetCCRMA] Real-time kernel wont boot (F12 x64)

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sat Dec 5 13:13:30 PST 2009

On Sat, 2009-12-05 at 14:22 -0500, udutronik Tronik wrote:
> OK... thanks fernando for your help.. here is more info
> - Yes the Fedora Kernel does boot fine
> - I have an Nvidia graphic card. I did not install the Nvidia driver
> as the "Nouveau" driver which is there by default and seems to handle
> the card ok

Well, I would have to check but I think some of the patches I'm forced
to omit deal with the nouveau driver (that would explain the behavior).
Sigh. I'm denying reality and refusing to even look at trying to make
them patch, I imagine that's not going to be easy, and a moving
target :-)

> - adding the "nomodeset" didnt work

Too bad...

> I'll try to remove rhgb quiet and see what comes up


It may be that the normal Fedora kernel is good enough for the kind of
work you do. 

-- Fernando

> 2009/12/5 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando at ccrma.stanford.edu>
>         On Sat, 2009-12-05 at 13:15 -0500, udutronik Tronik wrote:
>         > I've installed ccrma's rt-kernel on fedora 12 (x64) and I
>         cannot get
>         > to boot with it
>         >
>         > - I have no graphical boot (just the blue progression line
>         on a black
>         > screen)
>         > - I never even get to GDM or console login....
>         >
>         > Any thoughts?
>         Also... I take it that Fedora's kernels do boot fine, in which
>         case it
>         must be one of the many graphics card related patches that
>         Fedora
>         include that do not patch cleanly on top of the rt patches (so
>         they
>         don't make it into my rt kernel builds - I have not even tried
>         to modify
>         them to patch).

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