[PlanetCCRMA] 4GBs of ram with 32-bit ccrma

sevol sevol at hemp.net
Sun Sep 7 13:48:23 PDT 2008

sevol wrote:
> Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
>> On Tue, 2008-09-02 at 23:38 -0700, sevol wrote:
>>> Jim Robinson wrote:
>>>  ><--- CUT ---><
>>>> Sevol - I have 2Gb on my P4 machine that I use as my DAW and have 
>>>> mixed a 9 track song with heavy effects active without swapping - so 
>>>> give it a try on the ccrmart kernel with the memory you have.
>>>> BTW - I use 2x 3G SATA drives - 1 for the OS and 1 for the actual 
>>>> data - this really helps as Disk I/O is important too.
>>>> Good luck!
>>>> Jim
>>> Thanks Jim,
>>> I agree - for now, the accessible RAM in my system should be enough 
>>> to do plenty of audio stuff. 
>> But I will nevertheless work on a PAE rt kernel soon. There is a small
>> penalty to pay in terms of memory bandwidth compared to the non-PAE
>> kernel, but not too much (did some tests yesterday).
>> -- Fernando
> Fernando, thank you for letting me know the PAE-enabled rt kernel is 
> coming, & likewise, the small narrowing-of-memory-bandwidth thing. I 
> look forward to trying it out.
> Again, when you get to it 'tis fine by me. Just so you know, I'm leaving 
> in a few days & will not be near my DAW for 2 & 1/2 weeks. Perhaps 
> though, I'm not the only one looking forward to this - with cheaper 
> memory prices, it surprised me that the issue hadn't come up before now.
> Best to you,
>         -sevol
>>> Plus, a system & separate audio drive is good for I/O transfer rates. 
>>> But my audio setup is a mess until I do a bunch of things - some 
>>> dealing with hardware & some with software.
>>> Software wise, I had things more or less working, but mostly untried 
>>> under fc7 & CCRMA. I don't have audio of any sort working with my 
>>> present setup. (I have a Firepod that needs to visit the Presonus 
>>> hospital for an operation, & also a 2nd audio interface that's in a 
>>> Linux waiting room :) I think my lack of sound under fc8 & CCRMA 
>>> might be PluseAudio related, but I haven't tried to google & solve 
>>> this yet. I'll start a new thread if I can't get going.
>>> Well, unless someone has a simple answer to why I have no sound - 
>>> there's no audio interface attached ATM; I'm just interested to hear 
>>> the machine make noises via the on-board audio.
> p.s. I did get the on-board audio sorted out & very audible.
Dam! I did it again. The above reply was, of course, suppose to be for 
the list, *NOT* a pm! Sorry about that, Fernando...


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