[PlanetCCRMA] Jacktrip problem.

Helle Espen Espen.Helle at sintef.no
Thu Sep 4 02:54:11 PDT 2008

I wonder if it is posible to get some help to get Jacktrip working?
My system: 
-one FC8-PlanetCCRMA 32bits
-one FC8-PlanetCCTMA 64bits
Using jacktrip version 0.27
The 64bits version had to be compiled from sources because the
yum-install did not find any precompiled package. (Had to change every
#include "iostream.h to iostream to get it to compile.)
Followed the instructions at:
But, when the client connects to server it prints "---output overflow"
The net is checked with wireshark, and does not show traffic.
The firewalls and SELinux is disabled, and the iperf tests are ok. 
Any suggestions that may help me?
Read somewhere here that  Jacktrip v1.0 alfa on sourceforge.
What do I need to change in the setup to get it compiling, compared to
the PlanetCCRMA-fc8 install?

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