[PlanetCCRMA] package updates

Paul Coccoli pcoccoli at gmail.com
Fri Oct 3 10:25:34 PDT 2008

On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 11:04 PM, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
<nando at ccrma.stanford.edu> wrote:
> What do other Planet CCRMA users think? Stay "stable" or release new
> versions? There's a compromise either way (fixed old bugs vs. new
> unexpected bugs is one :-).

I'd like to say I prefer stable, but who am I kidding?  We're running
Fedora.  There's no such thing as stable.  I think that's why there's
interest in the CentOS PlanetCCRMA.  IMHO, that's what the users who
need stability should use (although I haven't tried it yet, so I don't
actually know how stable it is).

I find myself constantly wanting bleeding edge, so I can try out
things like Ingen (which you have to build from snapshots or svn right
now).  Ardour 2.5 would be nice, so would CLAM 1.3, etc.  If I had
time, I'd probably build them myself.

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