[PlanetCCRMA] package updates
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Oct 2 20:04:00 PDT 2008
On Thu, 2008-10-02 at 20:13 -0500, don.estabrook at gmail.com wrote:
> Hello,
> Just an annoying newbie-type question, I'm afraid. (I have plenty more
> where this comes from... ;)
> I have Planet CCRMA 32-bit installed on a Fedora 8 machine. I have what
> I think are fairly typical yum repos set up -- fedora, livna,
> planetccrma -- as far as I remember, all stock configs except that
> "protect=yes" is set for most of them.
> I've started to play around with Ardour in little bits over the last few
> months. I'm mostly very impressed with it, and I'm sure I've barely
> scratched the surface. The current version I have on F8 is 2.4.1
> (ardour-2.4.1-1.fc8.i386.rpm), from the former fedora-updates -- now
> fedora-updates-newkey, I suppose. I'm running into various issues and
> mysterious things that are either bugs or simply clear signs of my
> ignorance. I noticed in the release announcement for 2.5 back in July a
> mention of "Tons of bug fixes and several new features", so naturally
> I'd like to see whether some of my problems might already be fixed, on
> the outside chance that they aren't all ignorance-related... But I
> haven't seen 2.5 show up in any updates so far, and it doesn't look to
> be in the -testing repo either. IIRC, 2.4.1 became available from the
> repo like 3 or 4 months after the release announcement, so is this
> typical?
In general it is not. Ardour has moved from the Planet CCRMA distro to
Fedora proper. That particular release (2.4.1) took a long time coming.
I think that was a one time thing.
> I thought I'd seen a couple mentions of a CCRMA build of ardour in this
> mailing list, so I started to wonder whether I had something messed up
> in the repo config files.
No, I don't think so.
> But then, I don't see a .rpm for ardour in
> the ccrma repo directory tree (using a web browser), and now I can't
> even find such a reference in any recent e-mails. So maybe it was just
> a hallucination.
Ardour and many other programs have migrated to Fedora so you will not
find them in the repoview trees of Planet CCRMA. The more packages that
take that road the better (in the sense that I have less work to do, and
believe me, I have too much). A side effect is that probably releases
will not happen immediately - a new package release in Fedora takes a
Regretfully Ardour 2.5.x did not make it to Fedora 8, apparently 2.4.x
was deemed stable enough. I would not agree...
> I can try downloading the source and building it myself, but wanted to
> avoid "re-inventing the wheel" if it's already available.
I could do a quick build on fc8 starting from the fc9 source package.
I'll see if I can do that. You could also try it as well, of course.
What do other Planet CCRMA users think? Stay "stable" or release new
versions? There's a compromise either way (fixed old bugs vs. new
unexpected bugs is one :-).
-- Fernando
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