[PlanetCCRMA] supercollider upgrades, testing: jackmp and kernel

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sat Nov 15 11:35:27 PST 2008

On Fri, 2008-11-14 at 23:55 -0700, David Nielson wrote:
> So, is it time to move from Fedora 8 to Fedora 9? (I'm not ready...)
> IMO, Fedora should ditch the second-half release. It's right before the 
> Holidays and I don't think anyone really has time to deal with it. 

No time here either. Regretfully Fedora will keep forging ahead no
matter what. We don't/will not have a say in that. 

> I sure don't. Maybe CCRMA would be well-served to just stay one release 
> behind? F10 comes out in 11 days, and we're just now getting 9 to work 
> right...

I know, I know. It is ridiculous, but well, we do what we can. Hopefully
fc10 will start in better shape re: Planet CCRMA. The main problem in
fc9 has been the rt patched kernel, it lags too far behind the main
releases (I had to waste, ahem, invest, a lot of time these past two
weeks on it - and I think it is not there yet, I think I detected
problems in the internal alsa seq timer). And the fact that _something_
in fc9's xorg does not like kernels < 2.6.26, otherwise 2.6.24.x would
have been perfect[*]. 

Another problem was that we just transitioned to 9 here at CCRMA, not
for lack of trying... There's only so many hours in a day. Hopefully we
will migrate to 10 sooner than later. 

> I should stop thinking so much.

Ha ha ha... welcome to the club... :-)
-- Fernando

[*] if you look at the rt patch online you'll see that 2.6.24 and 2.6.26
versions are both still there, 24 is more stable, 26 is (probably) not.
I imagine due to the fact that RedHat's MRG system ships with 24. 

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