[PlanetCCRMA] pd zombies?

Oded Ben-Tal oded at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Thu Nov 27 02:37:16 PST 2008

After failing to install pd (thorugh rpms or build pd-extended as is) on 
my newly installed FC8 x86_64 I compiled latest pd vanilla (0.41.4) + 
some of the libraries I'm using (e.g. zexy). While it compiled fine when I run it I get
snd_pcm_hw_params_set_format: Invalid argument
invalid command name ".x1e036d0.m.windows"

Strangely enough I do get sound when I test.
But if I quit and launch again it doesn't start. The process is there and 
I can't kill it (kill kill -9 killall pd as superuser) nothing seems to 
I'm using FC8 x86_64 ccrma.rt kernel

Any ideas?
Oded Ben-Tal
oded at ccrma.stanford.edu

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