[PlanetCCRMA] softsynth woes and woes and woes........

David Ford dford at ansur.demon.co.uk
Mon Nov 17 15:23:33 PST 2008

Hi Bert

bhaskins at chartermi.net wrote:
> I have been struggling to get Rosegarden running with a softsynth on my 1.8Ghz laptop.
> Earlier versions ( Fedora core ) managed this quite nicely.
Have you tried Timidity++?
> It seems that since pulse audio came along this is no longer a valid option.
> This seems to be true even after removing PA.
> I've tried Fedora 8,9, and 9.3 and Ubuntu G,H, and using both the regular and low-latency kernels.
> I can get it to work, but it sounds like most modern rock, in other words, sort of like standing next to the crusher at a junk yard.
> Then I had a “dah” moment.
> I have a pretty good midi capable keyboard and if I could pipe the keyboard into rosegarden, ( which I have been doing for years ), do my editing and file saving, and then send it back to the keyboard for playback I could get away from all of the softsynth problems and also take advantage of the better speakers in my keyboard.
> I have searched the net for any tips or info on this without much luck.
> Have any of the list members done this and does it work well.
> If I am able to get this to happen, I will be more than willing to write up a tutorial and give full credit to any and all contributers.
> On another topic, is there a (much) less complicated notation editor that works with RG?
> All I want to do is the melody line and chord nomenclature.
I use a program called Umuselx as a notation editor. It is the Linux 
version of a program that was originally written for the Tandy Colour 
computer so takes a little getting used to as it doesn't work the way 
more modern notation programs have lead us to believe is intuitive. It 
is very small and simple but still very complete.

It used to be available from the author's AOL home page but they are no 
longer available.

I have a copy I can email to you or you can get the latest direct from 
the author Mike Knudsen at KnudsenMJ at aol.com .

The program will export .mid files which can be imported into Rosegarden 
- if you really need to.

Although the program is not open source it is freeware for non 
commercial use.

> Thanks,
>    Bert
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