[PlanetCCRMA] My Delta 1010 died

Lamar Owen lowen at pari.edu
Wed Nov 12 06:52:50 PST 2008

Roy Vestal rvestal at trilug.org wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone has had success 
> with other 8 channel ADA's that are within the same price point of the 
> Delta 1010?
> Any pluses or minuses?

I use an Echo Layla (old 20-bit version) with Fedora 8 plus the echomixer utility.  It did take a little work to get running, but it is good and clean running once it is running.  All the 20-bit echogals (the original Layla, Gina, and Darla) are supported by current ALSA; some of the 24-bit echogals are as well (I forget right now if the 3G versions are or not).
Two good things about a Layla20 are that they can be had dirt cheap on eBay and they have superb codecs, with clean and clear analog chains.  And a full matrix monitoring mixer (the full matrix mode in echomixer has to be seen to be believed; perhaps I can grab a screenshot one day when I'm using the beast).  Ok, that's three.  But anyway...
Lamar Owen
Chief Information Officer
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
1 PARI Drive
Rosman, NC 28772

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