[PlanetCCRMA] ATI and F8

Joseph Dell'Orfano fullgo at dellorfano.net
Tue May 6 13:25:37 PDT 2008

I am struggling with same issues on an intel quad core pc with hd2600  
card (great fanless card!!)  The ati supplied drivers dont work with  
current stock kernel. These drivers are installed with the ati  
installer downloaded from ati site. I have not tried to install this  
driver over the rt kernel because rt kernel isn't playing nicely with  
my system right now. The livna packages worked perfectly but, as you  
point out, won't work with rt kernel. I used the fedora display  
configure GUI and selected radeonhd as the card and this works well. I  
needed 1920x1200 so I had to add this into xorg.conf, but it all works  
as expected.

I guess its time for an upgrade so I can get it to stop working again.

-Joe Dell'Orfano

On May 6, 2008, at 10:29 AM, Michael Gurevich <gurevich at ccrma.Stanford.EDU 
 > wrote:

> After getting my F8/planetccrma dual-boot setup mostly working on my
> iMac, I'm left with graphics card issues. My mac has an ATI Radeon HD
> 2600 card. The default generic driver that loaded doesn't support
> 1680x1050 resolution. I tried the open source ati driver and it gave  
> me
> all kinds of bad artifacts, so I then tried the fglrx driver by adding
> the kmod-fglrx metapackage from livna.  As I understand it, this is
> supposed to automatically add the correct modules for your kernel. It
> seems to work well with the stock kernel, but doesn't
> load properly with the planetccrma rt kernel, which I guess should be
> expected, since it doesn't know about planetccrma.
> My question is what do I need to do to make this work? I'm a bit vague
> on kernel modules and drivers. Do I need to rebuild the kernel and
> somehow wrap in this package? Or rebuild the package against the  
> kernel?
> Or somehow just shove something into the kernel?
> thanks,
> Michael.
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