[PlanetCCRMA] fc8 install

Oded Ben-Tal oded at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Mar 26 09:04:01 PDT 2008

1) Jack - I was able to get jack to start with 4 out channels. But it's 
not stable - for some reason if I open a big pd patch (that opens and 
plays fine with pd -oss) pd and qjackctl crash, and with some other of my 
patches the system just grinds to a halt (I just waited 45 minutes, while 
the machine kept churning the HD untill I gave up and rebooted). Either my 
5 year old machine doesn't have enought memory, or else there are some 
major bugs in jack (or pd's communication with jack?). But these seem to 
be beyond nando's control.
Thanks anyway.

2) emacs - slime cm/clm working. I couldn't figure out how to get syntax 
highlighting though. I do have an old file (Rick's) that contains cm/clm 
keywords and I'm trying to load that but it doesn't seem to work.

So thanks, and hopefully I won't be running  into more problems when I 
start using the system musically...


Oded Ben-Tal
oded at ccrma.stanford.edu

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