[PlanetCCRMA] Re: New Jack

Matt Barber brbrofsvl at gmail.com
Mon Mar 24 16:58:36 PDT 2008

I've received a note that Specimen also segfaults at startup with


On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 6:51 PM, Matt Barber <brbrofsvl at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
>  I installed the new jack in testing
>  (jack-audio-connection-kit-0.109.10-0.svn1124.4.fc7.ccrma).  It works
>  great under jackd with most things, except it appears the new jack
>  libraries may have screwed a couple of things up with the audacious
>  packages from fedora and the xmms packages:
>  When I installed the new ccrma jack, audacious and xmms now quit with
>  a segmentation fault; if I uninstall the jack plugin for audacious
>  (audacious-plugins-jack I think it's called), audacious works fine --
>  same if I uninstall xmms-jack from ccrma.
>  I haven't done a full test, but it appears that with jackdmp almost
>  every application uses functions that have been deprecated, and it
>  seems to be more picky about matching buffer sizes with apps that can
>  set their own (e.g. ecasound).
>  Thanks for all the hard work to everyone involved,
>  Matt

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