[PlanetCCRMA] Noteedit and PlanetCCRMA

Martin Tarenskeen m.tarenskeen at zonnet.nl
Mon Jun 30 05:24:01 PDT 2008

On Fri, 27 Jun 2008, Joe Curtis wrote:

> Martin,
> Thanks for the info. I had come to much the same conclusion about
> canorus myself. I had wanted to try noteedit as I am given to understand
> that it is a better interface between musicxml and lilypond than either
> musicxml2ly or xml2ly. I was hoping to prompt ccrma to restore it to a
> repository to save me the hassle of compiling it myself.
> Joe Curtis

with a little luck we can have fresh tse3/noteedit packages in the CCRMA 
repos soon! I have:

- patched and compiled tse3-0.3.1 on fedora 7
- built tse3 and tse3-devel 0.3.1 rpm and src.rpm packages for fedora 7
- patched and compiled noteedit-2.8.1 with tse-devel-0.3.1
- built rpm and src.rpm packages for fedora 7

I don't have a fedora 8 or fedora 9 and only built i386 rpm's.

For those who want to test, try, or rebuild it on their fedora system I 
have made the rpm and src.rpm files available on my website:


Someone else (Fernando ?) could finish the work to make them available in 
the CCRMA repo's for fedora 7,8,9.


Martin Tarenskeen

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