[PlanetCCRMA] Phonic Helix Board 24 on Fedora

Jonathan Gazeley jonathan.gazeley at bristol.ac.uk
Thu Jun 26 06:39:11 PDT 2008

Hi all,

I have been trying to set up my Phonic Helix Board 24 Firewire on Fedora 
8. I was advised by the FFADO-user mailing list to check out 
PlanetCCRMA, which I have installed. However I am having a few issues.

I now have the realtime kernel at version, 
jackd at version 0.109.2-0.svn1088.1.fc8.ccrma and I am attempting to 
install libffado-2.0-beta6.

However, when I try to start jackd I get the following:

[jonathan at poseidon ~]$ jackd -dfreebob
jackd 0.109.2
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details

JACK compiled with System V SHM support.
loading driver ..
Enhanced3DNow! detected
SSE2 detected
Freebob using Firewire port 0, node -1
Ieee1394Service::initialize: Could not get 1394 handle: No such file or 
Is ieee1394 and raw1394 driver loaded?
Fatal (devicemanager.cpp)[68] initialize: Could not initialize 
Ieee1349Service object
Fatal (freebob.cpp)[69] freebob_new_handle: Could not initialize device 
LibFreeBoB ERR: cannot create libfreebob handle
FreeBoB ERR: FREEBOB: Error creating virtual device
cannot load driver module freebob
Segmentation fault

Making libffado from source also gives errors, such as:

src/libffado.so: undefined reference to `raw1394_read_cycle_timer'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
scons: *** [support/dbus/ffado-dbus-server] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors.

These both seem to indicate that libraw1394 is at fault, so I ensured that the ccrma version of libraw1394 is the only version installed, and it is at version  1.3.0-6.1.fc8.ccrma.

Can anyone advise on what I should do next?


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