[PlanetCCRMA] Sound Banks for Audio Applications

Joseph Dell'Orfano fullgo at dellorfano.net
Sun Jun 8 08:12:30 PDT 2008

Freesound seems to have what you are looking for (perhaps). It is 
discussed in the Ardour manual as well. The site is 

Hope this helps.

-Joe D

Vivek Ayer wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was wondering if there existed like an open source sound bank or
> application to get loops, riffs etc. Something similar to the sound
> banks that reason provides (orkester, etc.) or all those gigabytes of
> data provided by native instruments in their komplete package.
> Does such thing exists, so when people are producing music in ardour,
> they will a large selection to choose from.
> Thanks,
> Vivek
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