[PlanetCCRMA] Plugin question

Steve Harris S.W.Harris at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Wed Jan 30 07:27:01 PST 2008

Have you tried the CAPS plugins: http://quitte.de/dsp/caps.html

You might need to stack several of the tube emulations to get a good  

- Steve

On 30 Jan 2008, at 13:43, Roy Vestal wrote:

> I'm trying to setup a "rig" for my guitarist, and we need a  
> distortion plugin. I've installed all the LADSPA plugins I could  
> find with PlanetCCRMA but none of the ones installed seem to be  
> working. I'm looking something that is similar to a stompbox style  
> distortion. Either an overdrive similar to the DigiTech "Bad Monkey"  
> or the Boss "Blues Driver", or a distortion similar to the Ibenez  
> "Distortion Charger" or Boss "DS-1". Simple and controllable.
> I'm running FC6 with the full Planet CCRMA install including the  
> menus. We would like to be able to use it RT and as an Ardour  
> plugin. We use Jack Rack to create our different sounds for each  
> session.
> Thanks
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