[PlanetCCRMA] Linux distributions and audio (Was: drop outs with FC8...)

Lamar Owen lowen at pari.edu
Fri Jan 4 09:24:02 PST 2008

On Friday 04 January 2008, David Nielson wrote:
> I have a concern that this is turning into a large, off-topic, heated
> discussion.

Me too.  

> The problem with complaints is that they miss out on what actually
> exists now. What we actually have, in reality, is:
> - Fedora with CCRMA
> - Ubuntu Studio
> - Debian
> - Studio 64
> - a bunch of defunct projects

Quite honestly, you've left out possibly the best supported Linux DAW solution 
out there.  The only thing: it's commercial.  And that's Studio to Go! by 
Fervent, the people who develop Rosegarden.  (see 
http://www.ferventsoftware.com/ ).

I've replied privately to the other two posters, and do not intend to fuel any 
flames on-list.
Lamar Owen

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