[PlanetCCRMA] (testing) new version of jack 0.109.2 for 6/7/8

John Dey jsdey at optonline.net
Fri Feb 15 13:10:02 PST 2008


Thanks.  The new version of JACK works but it throws xrun more 
frequently than 0.102 on my thinkpad t60p.  Is it possible that I would 
have to fiddle with the setting in qjackctl again for a new version?  
My latency is set to 22.5ms--not that low.  It seems to play ok with 
aeolus-0.8.  And also thanks to Fons for all his work.

Again, thanks for your support.

On Feb 15, 2008, at 2:30 PM, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:

> Hi all, a new version of jack is now available for testing on Fedora 6,
> 7 and 8.
> What do I mean by testing? A new set of repositories has been added to
> Planet CCRMA. They can be activated by doing:
>   yum install planetccrma-repo-testing
> Sometimes I will release packages initially on "testing" and then move
> them to the main repository in a few days if no problems are reported.
> In this case the new jack is in testing there but not in the main
> (default) repository.
> After adding planetccrma-repo-testing you should be able to do:
>   yum install jack-audio-connection-kit
> and be in bussiness with 0.109.2...
> (or do a "yum upgrade", which should also bring it in...)
> Enjoy!
> -- Fernando
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