[PlanetCCRMA] odd jack pseudo crash

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sun Dec 7 16:34:20 PST 2008

On Tue, 2008-10-21 at 04:39 -0700, pyrael wrote:
> recently, when I try to use effects plugins, jack will seem to crash. I've
> tried in ardour, rosegarden and Jack Rack it's like jack just disconnects
> the application from the server and won't allow it once i try to enable the
> plugin. 
> The only error I get is this:
> 07:24:24.299 ALSA connection change.
> subgraph starting at qjackctl timed out (subgraph_wait_fd=20, status = 0,
> state = Running, pollret = 0 revents = 0x0)
> 07:24:57.882 JACK connection graph change.
> cannot create new client; jack_rack_22345 already exists
> cannot complete client connection process
> 07:25:01.874 ALSA connection graph change.
> This mostly seems to happen with certain Amp ad cabinet simulators, such as
> AMP VTS and Tone Stack LT (Tone Stack works) although it happens with other
> plugins as well. 
> Fedora 9 
> kernel
> jackd version 0.112.0
> qjackctrl version 0.3.1a
> alsa version 1.0.17 
> Any Ideas on what's wrong here? 
> My system is up to date also, however due to my inability to figure out the
> nVidia drivers, I am forced to use the stock F9 kernel.

I would first try to the newest 0.116.1 jack in the planetccrma
repository (released just yesterday)...

-- Fernando

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