[PlanetCCRMA] frequency counter and/or spectrum analyser

Martin Harriss martin at Princeton.EDU
Mon Dec 1 14:20:34 PST 2008

Have you looked at jaaa?  (Jack/Alsa Audio Analyser.)  I think it's 
already built for Fedora.  I don't remember if I had to compile it or 
just download it; in any event, I had no difficulty getting it running.


francis keyes wrote:
> Hey All,
> I'm looking for a frequency counter and/or spectrum analyser that will 
> work with JACK.
> Basically I need an application or LADSPA plugin that can take an audio 
> input and will output a number value that represents the frequency of 
> the input signal.  It seems like such a thing must exist.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks a lot!
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