[PlanetCCRMA] mailman or other options

Juan I Reyes juanig at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Apr 23 13:51:41 PDT 2008


We are looking for an electronic mail-list manager for Leonardo/ISAST in

For several years now all I can say is to give thumbs up to Mailman.
Most of the lists I subscribe are seamlessly handled by Mailman. A great
feature is its archiving capabilities and its way of sorting messages by

Does anyone know of another or better open source mail-list manager

We are looking for a system with a search-message feature in addition to
sorting and archiving. I know most of these tasks are handled by mailman
also but my colleagues want to see options.

Can I still recommend Mailman. Any advice will be greatly appreciated 


  --* Juan Reyes

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