[PlanetCCRMA] 2 machines, different filesets

m.tarenskeen at zonnet.nl m.tarenskeen at zonnet.nl
Thu Sep 27 06:36:01 PDT 2007

Citeren Joe Hartley <jh at brainiac.com>:

> Over the past weekend I installed FC7/Planet CCRMA on 2 machines here.
> This morning I ran yum update on both of them, and was amazed to find
> that I got 2 different sets of updates.  One machine got a number of
> ladspa plugins, and one didn't.

When doing a yum update. sometimes yum has to retry, using a different 
mirror-site. The different mirrors are not always synced: It can happen 
that updates are available on one mirror a a day or two later than on 
another mirror. Try a yum update on the machine with the older packages 
again one or two days later abd see what happens then.

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