[PlanetCCRMA] ccrma on FC7

Nigel Henry cave.dnb at tiscali.fr
Sat Sep 15 10:58:00 PDT 2007

On Saturday 15 September 2007 18:49, Vedran Vucic wrote:
> hello,
> I am trying to install planet ccrma apps on Fedora Core 7.  I have done yum
> upgrade, but it seems to me that something else should be done since on
> Planet CCRMA site there are instructions for Fedora Core 6.
> What should be procedure to install apps on Fedora Core 7?
> Thanks,
> veki

Hi Veki. The same procedure as for FC6 works ok.

Just install the GPG key from the URL, or download it, then install it as 
root, with a.
rpm --import RPM-GPG-KEY.planetccrma.txt

Next run the URL to install the planetccrma repos in yum.

That's about it.

A yum update should now, in Yumex show you all the music stuff available from 

A word of caution before doing a.
yum install planetccrma-core

This will install the low latency/realtime kernel, but the instructions 
regarding the installonlyn.conf file are different now in Fedora 7, since an 
update to yum.

You now need to add a line to /etc/yum.conf, so as to retain as many kernels 
as you want. To disable it you need a line as below, which will keep all 


See how it goes.


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