[PlanetCCRMA] problems downloading planetccrma-core in fc7

CHristophe T christoph.t at gmail.com
Fri Sep 7 08:24:03 PDT 2007

2007/8/22, Mauro Herrera <mauritohmgmail.com>:
> Hello every one
> I also wanted to ask about the installonlyn.conf file plugin for yum, I
> don't seem to have it in my version of yum, and in the file yum.conf there
> is no mention about the number of kernel installs that it will keep.

Sorry for this lately answer, I don't know if you could solve your
problems, but talking about installonlyn, there's been recently an
important change. yum doesn't use anymore this plugin; now, in order
to control the number of kernels you want to keep installed, you have
to edit the /etc/yum/yum.conf file (as root of course) and add the
following line:


replacing "n" by the number of kernels you want to keep installed (0
if you want to have it desactivated)

Hope it helps you
Best regards
Christophe T

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