[PlanetCCRMA] ZynAddSubFx problem on Fedora 7
Nigel Henry
cave.dnb at tiscali.fr
Tue Sep 4 13:16:02 PDT 2007
On Tuesday 04 September 2007 21:28, Nigel Henry wrote:
> On Tuesday 04 September 2007 20:51, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> > > Desktop is KDE, as on the other distros.
> >
> > I'm using gnome...
> > Not sure where to go from here. Other than you trying to do a local
> > rebuild from the source package to see if there may be some sort of
> > library compatibility issue.
> >
> > Another experiment you could do is to remove the zyn preferences and
> > start from scratch just in case there's something there that's confusing
> > it.
> I'll try that
> > What video card and driver are you using?
> > -- Fernando
> Cyberbladei1 (trident driver) , but other distros including FC5 are having
> no problem with ZynnAddSubFX with this card. All a bit weird.
> The only other thing I can think of is that it's something to do with
> Selinux, as it's the first time I've left it enabled, but doesn't make any
> sense that it would cause problems just with Zyn, and no other music apps.
> Thanks for the suggestions.
> Nigel.
For the sake of it I logged out of KDE, and back into Gnome. For some reason
or other ZynAddSubFX works ok in Gnome. No CPU hogging.
On the face of it. it appears to be some problem between ZynAddSubFX, and KDE
on Fedora 7.
Any suggestions of what I might need to install to resolve the problem.
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