[PlanetCCRMA] YUM chews up my karma, and spits out evil
Ken Dawson
dawsonwu at rahul.net
Sat Sep 1 17:56:01 PDT 2007
Good to hear from you, Fernando.
I'm not sure how long to wait for your magic to work its wonders, but I decided to give the 2.6.22-based kernel release
a try. Here's what happened. (sbcl is excluded because of some dependency conflict in f6).
] # yum --exclude=sbcl upgrade
] Setting up Upgrade Process
] Setting up repositories
] planetcore 100% |=========================| 951 B 00:00
] planetccrma 100% |=========================| 951 B 00:00
] ftp://redhat.taygeta.com/pub/RedHat/fedora/core/6/i386/os/repodata/repomd.xml: [
] Errno 4] IOError: [Errno ftp error]
] Trying other mirror.
] core 100% |=========================| 1.1 kB 00:00
] updates 100% |=========================| 1.2 kB 00:00
] freshrpms 100% |=========================| 2.1 kB 00:00
] extras 100% |=========================| 1.1 kB 00:00
] Reading repository metadata in from local files
] primary.xml.gz 100% |=========================| 95 kB 00:00
] planetcore: ################################################## 82/82
] primary.xml.gz 100% |=========================| 153 kB 00:00
] planetccrm: ################################################## 673/673
] primary.xml.gz 100% |=========================| 824 kB 00:01
] core : ################################################## 2242/2242
] primary.xml.gz 100% |=========================| 431 kB 00:01
] updates : ################################################## 1098/1098
] primary.xml.gz 100% |=========================| 62 kB 00:01
] freshrpms : ################################################## 168/168
] primary.xml.gz 100% |=========================| 1.8 MB 00:03
] extras : ################################################## 5693/5693
] Excluding Packages in global exclude list
] Finished
] Resolving Dependencies
] --> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait.
] ---> Downloading header for yumex to pack into transaction set.
] yumex-2.0.1-1.fc6.noarch. 100% |=========================| 23 kB 00:00
] ---> Package yumex.noarch 0:2.0.1-1.fc6 set to be updated
] ---> Downloading header for gallery2-classic to pack into transaction set.
] gallery2-classic-2.2-0.7. 100% |=========================| 29 kB 00:00
] ---> Package gallery2-classic.noarch 0:2.2-0.7.svn20070831.fc6 set to be updated
] ---> Downloading header for gallery2-matrix to pack into transaction set.
] gallery2-matrix-2.2-0.7.s 100% |=========================| 29 kB 00:00
] ---> Package gallery2-matrix.noarch 0:2.2-0.7.svn20070831.fc6 set to be updated
] ---> Downloading header for maxima to pack into transaction set.
] maxima-5.13.0-4.fc6.i386. 100% |=========================| 221 kB 00:01
] ---> Package maxima.i386 0:5.13.0-4.fc6 set to be updated
] ---> Downloading header for kernel-rt-devel to pack into transaction set.
] kernel-rt-devel- 100% |=========================| 732 kB 00:01
] ---> Package kernel-rt-devel.i686 0: set to be install
] ed
] ---> Downloading header for kmod-ipw3945-rt to pack into transaction set.
] kmod-ipw3945-rt-1.2.1-1.2 100% |=========================| 3.7 kB 00:00
] ---> Package kmod-ipw3945-rt.i686 0:1.2.1- set to be
] installed
] ---> Downloading header for kernel-rt to pack into transaction set.
] kernel-rt- 100% |=========================| 208 kB 00:00
] ---> Package kernel-rt.i686 0: set to be installed
] ---> Downloading header for gallery2-tile to pack into transaction set.
] gallery2-tile-2.2-0.7.svn 100% |=========================| 24 kB 00:00
] ---> Package gallery2-tile.noarch 0:2.2-0.7.svn20070831.fc6 set to be updated
] ---> Downloading header for geomview to pack into transaction set.
] geomview-1.9.4-2.fc6.i386 100% |=========================| 98 kB 00:00
] ---> Package geomview.i386 0:1.9.4-2.fc6 set to be updated
] ---> Downloading header for planetccrma-core to pack into transaction set.
] planetccrma-core-2007.08. 100% |=========================| 4.2 kB 00:00
] ---> Package planetccrma-core.i686 0:2007.08.30-1.fc6.ccrma set to be updated
] ---> Downloading header for maxima-runtime-gcl to pack into transaction set.
] maxima-runtime-gcl-5.13.0 100% |=========================| 12 kB 00:00
] ---> Package maxima-runtime-gcl.i386 0:5.13.0-4.fc6 set to be updated
] ---> Downloading header for gallery2-ffmpeg to pack into transaction set.
] gallery2-ffmpeg-2.2-0.7.s 100% |=========================| 25 kB 00:00
] ---> Package gallery2-ffmpeg.noarch 0:2.2-0.7.svn20070831.fc6 set to be updated
] ---> Downloading header for gallery2 to pack into transaction set.
] gallery2-2.2-0.7.svn20070 100% |=========================| 157 kB 00:00
] ---> Package gallery2.noarch 0:2.2-0.7.svn20070831.fc6 set to be updated
] --> Running transaction check
] Dependencies Resolved
] =============================================================================
] Package Arch Version Repository Size
] =============================================================================
] Installing:
] kernel-rt i686 planetcore
] 16 M
] kernel-rt-devel i686 planetcore
] 4.6 M
] kmod-ipw3945-rt i686 1.2.1- planetco
] re 286 k
] Updating:
] gallery2 noarch 2.2-0.7.svn20070831.fc6 extras 4
] .9 M
] gallery2-classic noarch 2.2-0.7.svn20070831.fc6 extras 1
] 49 k
] gallery2-ffmpeg noarch 2.2-0.7.svn20070831.fc6 extras 3
] 01 k
] gallery2-matrix noarch 2.2-0.7.svn20070831.fc6 extras 1
] 66 k
] gallery2-tile noarch 2.2-0.7.svn20070831.fc6 extras 2
] 11 k
] geomview i386 1.9.4-2.fc6 extras 3.4 M
] maxima i386 5.13.0-4.fc6 extras 14 M
] maxima-runtime-gcl i386 5.13.0-4.fc6 extras 8.0 M
] planetccrma-core i686 2007.08.30-1.fc6.ccrma planetcore 4.
] 7 k
] yumex noarch 2.0.1-1.fc6 extras 324 k
] Transaction Summary
] =============================================================================
] Install 3 Package(s)
] Update 10 Package(s)
] Remove 0 Package(s)
] Total download size: 52 M
] Is this ok [y/N]: y
] Downloading Packages:
] (1/13): yumex-2.0.1-1.fc6 100% |=========================| 324 kB 00:01
] (2/13): gallery2-classic- 100% |=========================| 149 kB 00:00
] (3/13): gallery2-matrix-2 100% |=========================| 166 kB 00:01
] (4/13): maxima-5.13.0-4.f 100% |=========================| 14 MB 00:24
] (5/13): kernel-rt-devel-2 100% |=========================| 4.6 MB 00:06
] http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/mirror/fedora/linux/planetcore/6/i386/kern
] el-rt-devel- [Errno -1] Package does not mat
] ch intended download
] Trying other mirror.
] (6/13): kmod-ipw3945-rt-1 100% |=========================| 286 kB 00:00
] (7/13): kernel-rt-2.6.22. 100% |=========================| 16 MB 00:23
] http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/mirror/fedora/linux/planetcore/6/i386/kern
] el-rt- [Errno -1] Package does not match int
] ended download
] Trying other mirror.
] (8/13): gallery2-tile-2.2 100% |=========================| 211 kB 00:01
] (9/13): geomview-1.9.4-2. 100% |=========================| 3.4 MB 00:06
] (10/13): planetccrma-core 100% |=========================| 4.7 kB 00:00
] (11/13): maxima-runtime-g 100% |=========================| 8.0 MB 00:17
] (12/13): gallery2-ffmpeg- 100% |=========================| 301 kB 00:01
] (13/13): gallery2-2.2-0.7 100% |=========================| 4.9 MB 00:11
] Error Downloading Packages:
] kernel-rt-devel - failure: kernel-rt-devel-2.
] 6.22.6-1.rt9.1.fc6.ccrma.i686.rpm from planetcore: [Errno 256] No more mirrors t
] o try.
] kernel-rt - failure: kernel-rt-
] .1.fc6.ccrma.i686.rpm from planetcore: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.
] #
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-08-24 at 10:37 -0700, Ken Dawson wrote:
>> Hello,
>> (sorry that this reply got a bit lengthy. I am stuck currently by this)
>> As referenced in another thread, I am seeing this problem as well --
>> pretty much continuously in the last couple of weeks.
> I imagine some big isp has turned on something that is affecting caching
> of pages (comcast in your case)... I seem to have seen more problems
> recently.
>> I have two systems, one with f6 + planetccrma and another onto which
>> I want to install f7 + planetccrma. On both systems I experience these
>> mismatch problems wrt/ planetccrma's packages, but also, I suspect,
>> wrt/ fedora packages as well.
>> But, it seems that, whereas fedora has a couple dozen backup mirrors
>> to jump to, so far as I know, the planet has just itself (I tried
>> looking at the ircam site, but it is not current). And a failure
>> there is pretty much the end.
>> I did an experiment ("which is not scientific", as they say in the ads):
>> First, I sat at home, and tried to do a "yum clean all", "yum upgrade",
>> and bombed out with alsa, ardour2 and supercollider consistency issues.
>> Then, I hopped in my trusty minivan and headed to Googleland (the streets
>> of Mountain View), and tried the same thing sitting in the 90ish heat
>> some 30 yards from a wireless access point.
> Hi neighbour! :-)
>> It was slower, but the second attempt, the lamppost upgrade, worked perfectly.
>> Suggestive.
> Yup, different isp I guess.
> Google wireless (not evil) vs. comcast cable (evil)...
>> I am new to this concept of ISPs caching content. Wouldn't the preponderance
>> of some other OS's traffic tend to flush humble little planetccrma's information
>> from that cache very quickly?
>> Otherwise, the mechanism doesn't seem to be behaving much like the cache
>> I studied in school. If the source of the information changes, the cache
>> version should be flushed in favor of the new information. Right?
> Apparently it depends on the configuration of the server as well as the
> cache itself. I hit the books, oh well, the web, and came up with:
> http://www.mnot.net/cache_docs/
> (and other links)
> Which explains the behavior and how to control it.
>> I believe that if I were to use rsync to suck over the planetccrma-f7
>> repository (to then install it locally), the cache would not be involved,
>> and the proper information would be obtained. Maybe I'm dreaming.
> Yes, that would probably work.
>> I don't have a workplace to VPN into, nor an available http proxy to
>> work through, so I am dead in the water. My f7 install languishes,
>> ready to capture the planet packages, but awaiting some new approach
>> to make it at least even odds that it will succeed. (Did a complete f7
>> + planetccrma install a few days ago, and it was very ugly.)
>> Does anyone with more Internet sophistication have any insights into
>> this problem and possible work-arounds or solutions? I would really
>> appreciated them.
> I just added a:
> Header append Cache-Control "nocache"
> header to the /planetccrma/mirror/ directory in our web server.
> Hopefully caches will respect its wishes and information should be
> checked against the source before serving a file from the cache:
> "* no-cache: forces caches to submit the request to the origin server
> for validation before releasing a cached copy, every time. This is
> useful to assure that authentication is respected (in combination with
> public), or to maintain rigid freshness, without sacrificing all of the
> benefits of caching."
> I tested it and the server is sending out the cache-control directive in
> the headers of the requests, so hopefully this will work. Please let me
> know if you still see the problem (I guess it might take a while for
> things to percolate through the still valid caches).
> -- Fernando
>> Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
>>> On Thu, 2007-06-21 at 14:30 -0400, Jason Russler wrote:
>>>> # yum clean all
>>>> However, that doesn't work sometimes because, where I am, !$#@ Comcast
>>>> is caching stuff somewhere and screwing up the package/checksum pairs.
>>>> So nothing works unless I a) wait or b) VPN into work and then use
>>>> yum (there's probably a better way of getting around the caching
>>>> mechanisms but that works for me.) Could ISP caching be the culprit
>>>> here?
>>> I guess that could be a problem if different file types are cached for
>>> different amount of time, then you could get inconsistent results for
>>> the downloads.
>>> -- Fernando
>>>> On 6/21/07, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando at ccrma.stanford.edu> wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, 2007-06-21 at 19:12 +0200, Fredrik Vang wrote:
>>>>>> YUM's got a bad day with my CCRMA. When I try to install on FC6, yum
>>>>>> fails after downloading certain packages, with the error message
>>>>>> "Package does not match intended download". Am I missing something
>>>>>> very obvious on my side, or is there something wrong on the repository
>>>>>> side?
>>>>>> (1/6): alsa-firmware-1.0. 100% |=========================| 3.5 MB
>>>>>> 00:14
>>>>>> http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/mirror/fedora/linux/planetcore/6/i386/alsa-firmware-1.0.13-1.fc6.ccrma.i386.rpm: [Errno -1] Package does not match intended download
>>>>>> Trying other mirror.
>>>>>> (2/6): planetccrma-core-2 100% |=========================| 4.7 kB
>>>>>> 00:00
>>>>>> (3/6): rtirq-20070101-1.f 100% |=========================| 7.6 kB
>>>>>> 00:00
>>>>>> (4/6): alsa-tools-1.0.13- 100% |=========================| 333 kB
>>>>>> 00:01
>>>>>> (5/6): kernel-rt-2.6.21-0 100% |=========================| 16 MB
>>>>>> 01:07
>>>>>> http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/mirror/fedora/linux/planetcore/6/i386/kernel-rt-2.6.21-0182.rt17.1.fc6.ccrma.i686.rpm: [Errno -1] Package does not match intended download
>>>>>> Trying other mirror.
>>>>>> (6/6): alsa-oss-1.0.12-3. 100% |=========================| 36 kB
>>>>>> 00:08
>>>>>> The same thing happens when I try to install certain other packages
>>>>>> individually (e.g. supercollider)
>>>>> I had not seen this error before. The repository appears to be fine, at
>>>>> least from here. I just did a mock install in a mach chroot (after doing
>>>>> a yum clean all so that everything would be downloaded again) and the
>>>>> install proceeded just fine.
>>>>> The error appears to indicate that somehow the packages were not
>>>>> completely downloaded or were corrupted during the download so that the
>>>>> checksum does not match.
>>>>> Is this in a new install from scratch? Have you tried installing other
>>>>> packages that do not come from the Planet CCRMA repo?
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