[PlanetCCRMA] CentOS5 support?

Wade Nelson hollywoodb at fastmail.fm
Wed Oct 24 16:45:01 PDT 2007

I'm curious if there's any support for CentOS5 with PlanetCCRMA?  I've
been a happy PlanetCCRMA user since Fedora Core 5, but at least for me
it would be more convenient to have my audio workstation running a
distribution with a longer support cycle and fewer upgrades.

If there isn't, I'm considering rebuilding the SRPMS against CentOS5 and
was wondering if anyone else had similar interest.  Ideally the end
result would be up-to-date PlanetCCRMA packages for latest CentOS
versions that would allow for system upgrades every 2+ years instead of
every 10 to 12 months (two fedora release cycles before upstream support
is dropped).

I'm not sure in the future (figure 2+ years down the road) if it would
be rather simple or rather difficult to keep backporting PlanetCCRMA
packages to CentOS, especially with future Fedora versions supporting
things like PulseAudio.

Of course there's the added benefit of making PlanetCCRMA packages
available (or easily rebuilt for the paranoid) for RHEL5 as well.

Wade Nelson
hollywoodb at fastmail.fm
"I may have to share this planet with animals, 
but I'm doing my damn best to eat every last one of them."

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