[PlanetCCRMA] supercollider GUI

Hector Centeno hcengar at gmail.com
Thu Oct 18 11:07:02 PDT 2007

Thanks Fernando,

I seem to have everything already installed Supercollider related from
CCRMA. I also found that SCUM is for GUI programing, which one would
you recomend? SCUM or SwingOSC?



On 10/18/07, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando at ccrma.stanford.edu> wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-10-17 at 23:12 -0400, Hector Centeno wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I've been exploring Supercollider lately and I was wondering if the
> > GUI aspect is working on Linux. I read here
> > http://swiki.hfbk-hamburg.de:8888/MusicTechnology/591 that it is not
> > implemented yet but I don't know if this is outdated information.  I
> > tried some of the examples inside /usr/share/SuperCollider/Help/GUI
> > but I just got errors... I'm quite new to it so I'm not sure if I'm
> > doing the right thing (I was just cutting and pasting code and trying
> > to run it). I've tried other code non-GUI related and SC seems to work
> > fine. Basically I'm interested in the possibility of using SC with a
> > GUI to display controllers (sliders, knobs, XY, etc).
> Yes, it is implemented. Look at SwingOSC as the solution, it is a java
> based server that takes care of doing gui things for you and the latest
> versions of SC have a much better integration than older ones. You need
> to install Java - the Sun version, I think - for it to work, I can't add
> that to Planet CCRMA because the license does not allow me to
> redistribute it. The Planet CCRMA package is supercollider-swingosc, I
> think (you get everything I have if you install supercollider-world).
> -- Fernando

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