[PlanetCCRMA] the Planet starts to land on Fedora 8

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Tue Nov 13 18:09:00 PST 2007

Hi all... I first cut at the core components of Planet CCRMA for i386
(lightly tested) and x86_64 (not tested). For risk takers only :-)

[you can always keep making music using Fedora 7, right?]

Instructions in the website here:

So far:

- kernel-rt based on plus Ingo's rt11 (and most of the current
Fedora patches). Ancient firewire stack instead of juju. 
- libraw1394 un'jujued
- rtirq
- alsa-tools
- alsa-firmware
- souped up jack-audio-connection-kit

More details in the release notes at the end of the install section. 
I'll start with the applications build marathon tomorrow. 
-- Fernando

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