[PlanetCCRMA] Getting sound from Rosegarden

John Lowry jal at eskimo.com
Wed May 30 13:36:01 PDT 2007

Hi all--

Sorry if this is a bit long, but I figured the more info perhaps the better.

I'm trying to do some music editing with rosegarden.  About 2 years ago I
succeeded on a different machine, which died on me, so I'm starting over.

Now I'm running FC6 on an Acer laptop.  lspci produces this for my sound
	00:02.7 Multimedia audio controller: Silicon Integrated Systems
		[SiS] AC'97 Sound Controller (rev a0)

I've installed the latst ccrma software and rosegarden.  I've used
gnu-volume-control to set master and PCM to 75% or so.

aplay train.wav works.

Qjackctl comes up, and starts okay.

When I bring up rosegarden, I get:

	JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm]
	Enhanced3DNow! detected
	SSE2 detected
	[jal@:~] PluginFactory::instance(dssi): creating new DSSIPluginFactory
	LADSPAPluginFactory::discoverPlugins - discovering plugins; path is
	[/home/jal/.dssi] [/usr/local/lib/dssi] [/usr/lib/dssi]
	LADSPAPluginFactory::discoverPlugins - trace is Rosegarden 1.5.1 - AlsaDriver
	- alsa-lib version 1.0.14rc1
	JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm]
	Enhanced3DNow! detected
	SSE2 detected

	JackDriver::initialiseAudio - JACK sample rate = 48000Hz, buffer size = 1024
	JackDriver::initialiseAudio - creating disk thread
	JackDriver::initialiseAudio - found 2 JACK physical outputs
	JackDriver::initialiseAudio - connecting from "rosegarden:master out L" to
	JackDriver::initialiseAudio - connecting from "rosegarden:master out R" to
	JackDriver::initialiseAudio - found 2 JACK physical inputs
	JackDriver::initialiseAudio - connecting from "alsa_pcm:capture_1" to
	"rosegarden:record in 1 L"
	JackDriver::initialiseAudio - connecting from "alsa_pcm:capture_2" to
	"rosegarden:record in 1 R"
	JackDriver::initialiseAudio - initialised JACK audio subsystem

	  ALSA Client information:

	    14,0 - (Midi Through, Midi Through Port-0)                  (DUPLEX)
	[ctype 2, ptype 655362, cap 99]

	CREATED OUTPUT PORT 3:out 1 - MIDI output system device for device 0
	Creating device 0 in Play mode for connection 14:0 Midi Through Port-0
	(duplex) (not connecting)
	Default device name for this device is MIDI output system device
	Creating device 1 in Record mode for connection 14:0 Midi Through Port-0
	(duplex) (not connecting)
	Default device name for this device is MIDI input system device
	    Current timer set to "system timer" with timer checks
	AlsaDriver::initialiseMidi -  initialised MIDI subsystem

	SoundDriver::getMappedDevice(0) - name = "MIDI output system device" type = 0
	direction = 0 connection = "" recording = 0
	SoundDriver::getMappedDevice(1) - name = "MIDI input system device" type = 0
	direction = 1 connection = "" recording = 0
	SoundDriver::getMappedDevice(2) - name = "Synth plugin" type = 2 direction = 0
	connection = "Soft synth connection" recording = 0
	SoundDriver::getMappedDevice(3) - name = "Audio" type = 1 direction = 0
	connection = "Audio connection" recording = 0
	Renamed 129:3 to General MIDI Device
	SoundDriver::getMappedDevice(0) - name = "out 1 - General MIDI Device" type =
	0 direction = 0 connection = "" recording = 0
	SoundDriver::getMappedDevice(1) - name = "MIDI input system device" type = 0
	direction = 1 connection = "" recording = 0
	SoundDriver::getMappedDevice(2) - name = "Synth plugin" type = 2 direction = 0
	connection = "Soft synth connection" recording = 0
	SoundDriver::getMappedDevice(3) - name = "Audio" type = 1 direction = 0
	connection = "Audio connection" recording = 0
	rosegarden: could not connect to socket
	rosegarden: No such file or directory

	  ALSA Client information:

	    14,0 - (Midi Through, Midi Through Port-0)                  (DUPLEX)
	[ctype 2, ptype 655362, cap 99]

	SoundDriver::getMappedDevice(0) - name = "out 1 - General MIDI Device" type =
	0 direction = 0 connection = "" recording = 0
	SoundDriver::getMappedDevice(1) - name = "MIDI input system device" type = 0
	direction = 1 connection = "" recording = 0
	SoundDriver::getMappedDevice(2) - name = "Synth plugin" type = 2 direction = 0
	connection = "" recording = 0
	SoundDriver::getMappedDevice(3) - name = "Audio" type = 1 direction = 0
	connection = "" recording = 0

I don't know what the two error lines mean:

	rosegarden: could not connect to socket
	rosegarden: No such file or directory

The patch bay Audio tab shows connections between

	Readable Clients/Output Ports	Writeable Clients/Input Ports

	Rosegarden                      alsa_pcm

		master out L----------------playback_1
		master out R----------------playback_2

Then I load the sample bwv-1060-trumpet-duet-excerpt.rg.  I set Playback
Parameters Device to Audio, Instrument to Audio #1.  Instrument parameters for
Audio #1 are In: 1 Out:Master

Then I click on the play triangle, and get no sound.

Am I doing something obviously wrong?
What should I try now?

Thanks for any help....


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