[PlanetCCRMA] resolved hw:0 issues

Tom Poe tompoe at fngi.net
Thu May 24 14:34:01 PDT 2007

Geeez!  I futzed and fiddled, and when I start QJackctl, it still showed 
error message.  I closed the stupid message window, and the error popup 
box, and clicked on start, and Jack started.  So, QJackctl launches, but 
can't start a client, because the server isn't started, as hw:0 is 
already in use.  Of course, it's in use, because the sound system on FC5 
is using it.  More importantly, QJackctl is set to open, and then wait 
for me to start the server.  Now, the issue arose when I lost sound for 
awhile, and rebooted multiple times while futzing and fiddling.  I'm 
going to write this all off as an old computer that has served me well 
over the years, but may be headed south at some point. 

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