[PlanetCCRMA] CAPs locked up when adding chorus

Nexxus Six nexxusix at yahoo.com
Fri May 18 19:09:01 PDT 2007

Hi all,
Replying to myself... just a little update:

CAPs Mono Chorus I and II work fine in Ardour, but still are causing Jack-Rack to freeze.
Jack-Rack and Ardour will accept CAPs Stereo Chorus I and II with no problems...

Any ideas on this one, Fernando?


----- Original Message ----
From: Nexxus Six <nexxusix at yahoo.com>
To: planetccrma at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 4:16:35 PM
Subject: [PlanetCCRMA] CAPs locked up when adding chorus

Hi all,
I'm having a problem using CAPs. When I add CAPs Chorus I or CAPs Chorus II to jack-rack it causes jack-rack to freeze. I opened a terminal window to see if there was any error messages being generated, but there is nothing, other than when jack-rack boots. Here is what I have just prior to adding CAPs Chorus I or II:

[NexxuSix at cust-**-***-***-*** ~]$ jack-rack
Status update: jack_rack_2932
Status update: Connected to JACK server
Status update: Creating output port 'out_1'
Status update: Created output port 'out_1'
Status update: Creating
 input port 'in_1'
Status update: Created input port 'in_1'
Status update: Creating output port 'out_2'
Status update: Created output port 'out_2'
Status update: Creating input port 'in_2'
Status update: Created input port
plugin_mgr_get_object_file_plugins: error opening shared object file '/usr/lib/ladspa/jamincont_1912.la': /usr/lib/ladspa/jamincont_1912.la: invalid ELF header
Plugin 1952 exists in both '/usr/lib/ladspa/vco_sawpulse.so' and '/usr/lib/ladspa/blvco.so'; using version in '/usr/lib/ladspa/vco_sawpulse.so'
Plugin 1953 exists in both '/usr/lib/ladspa/vco_sawpulse.so' and '/usr/lib/ladspa/blvco.so'; using version in '/usr/lib/ladspa/vco_sawpulse.so'
Plugin 1954 exists in both '/usr/lib/ladspa/vco_sawpulse.so' and '/usr/lib/ladspa/blvco.so'; using version in '/usr/lib/ladspa/vco_sawpulse.so'

As soon as I add CAPs Chorus I or II, jack-rack freezes with no additional information. I'm running Fedora Core 5 on a Pentium 4 2.0 Ghz computer, Intel D845 Desktop board. Any suggestions?


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