[PlanetCCRMA] removing older CCRMA kernel-rt version from GRUB bootmenu

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Fri May 4 15:33:01 PDT 2007

On Fri, 2007-05-04 at 23:55 +0200, Martin Tarenskeen wrote:
> Hi,
> I just did a "yum update" amd installed the latest version of the CCRMA 
> kernel-rt.
> It works fine, so I decided to "yum remove" the previous kernel-rt 
> version, that was still installed on my system. After that "rpm -q 
> kernel-rt" showed the latest version only.
> But when I (re)start my computer, Grub's bootmenu still shows the previous 
> kernel-rt version. But in reality it has been removed properly.
> I already found how to fix this: as root I have to edit the file 
> /boot/grub/grub.conf and delete the lines that correspond with my removed 
> kernel-rt version manually.
> But this is NOT how it is supposed to work, right?
> I do not have such a problem with the standard Fedora kernel updates.

Sigh, most probably an unwanted side effect of renaming the kernel
"kernel-rt"[*]... I'll have to take a look at the toolchain that messes
up with the grub.conf file...

-- Fernando

[*] but unavoidable given yum's unavoidable insistence in installing
only _newer_ versions of kernels (ie: you can't install anything that's
older that the newest one already installed)

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