[PlanetCCRMA] creating respins

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Mon Mar 12 09:52:01 PDT 2007

On Mon, 2007-03-12 at 23:51 +1100, nicholas manojlovic wrote:
> I want to create a distro for my brother so I can set him up with a 
> real-time recording system. His major limitation will be a lack of 
> internet access, so yum is redundant.
> Anyone got any recommendations for creating respins? Is this possible yet?

I did that for fc4 and it was complicated at the time. 

There are now tools that would help with that (should be supposedly easy
in the fc7 timeframe) but I have no experience with them. Anyone else
done this?

-- Fernando

PS: I found something about live cds, not the same of course:

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