[PlanetCCRMA] Recording Application Preferences (pros and cons)

nicholas manojlovic nicholasmanojlovic at gmail.com
Sun Mar 11 17:19:02 PDT 2007

Bill Polhemus wrote:
> As I've stated, I've been working so hard on the hardware aspects of 
> my studio including the non-computer stuff, that I'm only now getting 
> to where I want to start laying down some tracks.
> The only Linux app I've used so far to record PCM is "Audacity." I've 
> actually been amazed at how fully-featured it is (in addition to 
> having a Windows version, which ain't bad for me since I'm still 
> running Windows XP on my HP laptop). Obviously, Audacity has its 
> limitations, but so far I haven't seemed to bump up against them.
> I also have Rosegarden, which I'm tending to try next because the main 
> guy on the Rosegarden project actually actually published a manual, a 
> copy of which I purchased on Amazon.
> Finally, of course, there's Ardour, which seems the more powerful of 
> these but also the more daunting.
> Not sure if I've missed any. But what are the "pros and cons" involved 
> here? Which do you prefer, and why?
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I love Ardour, or at least the .99 series, which is surprisingly stable. 
Whilst sometimes I wish it had tools that I've used in other 
applications, generally when I use other applications I wish they had 
Ardour's features.
I  also use Jamin, which is the most feature complete audio interface 
for Linux, and Sweep for basic editing (which is sadly not jack aware).

Cons wise, I really don't get Rosegarden or Audacity. To me Audacity is 
a toy.

Rosegarden.. I do use it for midi editing, but it is the most clunky 
interface around. I remember using Cakewalk back in 1996 and it was a 
better application. I think it could be made better if it standardised 
some of its operations - I never seem to know which track I'm going to 
record or how to record it without some trial and error.



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