[PlanetCCRMA] Getting SuperCollider to work [Re: [PlanetCCRMANews] Fedora 7: Planet CCRMA for i386!]

Fernando Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Sat Jun 30 11:37:01 PDT 2007

On Sat, 2007-06-30 at 14:16 -0400, Gregory D. Weber wrote:
> Synopsis
> --------
> I've gotten SuperCollider to work, for the most part, in Fedora 7.

Thank you thank you thank you!

This is great. I was going to try soon with a newer svn checkout and I
was expecting trouble from the new help system. It is good to know this
is mostly working. I'll work on a new package next week starting from
your notes, they will save me a LOT of work. Hmmm, even if there was a
known bug this was working on fc4 and fc6 so there must also be some
interaction with something in fc7. Anyway, it is good to know it works. 

Have you tried to build the external package collections I distribute? I
imagine that's goind to take some extra work (new versions, etc, etc). 

Again, thanks!
-- Fernando

> History
> -------
> On Thu, 2007-06-07 at 18:05 -0700, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote:
> > [WARNING: fc7 is new. New releases have bugs. I don't like bugs. I would
> > not install fc7 right away. Specially if I were to be already making
> > music on fcx where x < 7 :-]
> > 
> > Having said that, there's a trial version available of Planet CCRMA
> > built on top of Fedora 7 i386 (for now). As usual you start by pointing
> > to the Planet CCRMA repositories (all in one line):
> > 
> ...
> > Things I know don't work: 
> ...
> > Supercollider does not start
> > properly, sclang seems happy and prints the right things but exits at
> > the end instead of waiting for commands... 
> ...
> Solution
> --------
> Actually, the problem has nothing to do with Fedora 7.  It's a bug that
> crept into SuperCollider in revision 5674 [1] and was reported May 15,
> 2007, fixed the same day in revision 6000 or or May 16 in 6001 or
> 6002[2].  The version distributed from PlanetCCRMA seems to be (judging
> from the rpm file name) 5866 dated 2007-02-19, so it contains the bug.
> I downloaded revision 6146 (latest from subversion repository as of June
> 29-30, 2007) and compiled it.  It ESSENTIALLY works, but there are still
> a few kinks.
> My compile command was
> PREFIX=/usr X11=no
> (Not sure if X11=no is necessary if I have the proper header files.
> If I remember correctly, with X11=yes, scons looked for X11 libraries
> in /usr/X11R6, a directory which does not exist in Fedora 7.)
> (I used PREFIX=/usr because when trying with PREFIX=/opt, and this might
> happen for /usr/local as well, there were weird problems with libsclang,
> etc., not being found, and ldconfig apparently not working correctly
> for /opt/lib)
> Things that WORK
> ----------------
> 1.  sclang starts under emacs and does wait around for commands.
> 2.  scsynth (the server) can be booted from sclang under emacs.  
> (I'm puzzled as to whether it is using the vector unit, since it gives
> these (apparently contradictory) messages -- this is on a Pentium III:
>       using vector unit: yes
> but
>       No supported SIMD instruction sets detected
> )
> 3.  Evaluating these lines of code
> "Hello world".postln;
> { SinOsc.ar(440, 0, 0.2) }.play;
> does result in visual output in the Post buffer and audio output of the
> sine tone.
> Things I Noticed NOT WORKING
> -----------------------------
> 1.  The help command C-c C-h does not work unless the packages w3m and
> w3m-el are installed; for good measure, I also installed w3m-img.
> After that, the help command still does not work in the SC Workspace
> buffer -- these messages appear:
>       Loading w3m...
>       byte-code: Wrong type argument: stringp, nil
> (and possibly does not work in other buffers either)
> but DOES work in the Sclang Post buffer.
> 2.  Multiple lines of code enclosed in parentheses cannot be executed
> using C-M-x; however, they CAN be evaluated by selecting the lines as a
> region and evaluating the region (C-c C-x)
> 3.  The server reports a number of missing ugens: 
>         AnalyseEvents2, PV_EvenBin, MouseX, StkClarinet
> 4.  If your working directory contains a subdirectory named
> SCClassLibrary, then sclang will compile the files in that INSTEAD OF
> the standard class library, with the result that many necessary classes
> are undefined.
> Gratitude
> ---------
> PROFOUND THANKS to Fernando for getting us rolling with Fedora 7, and
> all of his fine work over the years in distributing
> PlanetCCRMA!!!!!!!!!!!
> References
> ----------
> [1] "Re: [sc-users] LinuX sclang"
> http://www.nabble.com/Re%
> A--sc-users--LinuX-sclang-tf3760058.html#a10633792
> [2] "fixed linux sclang problem"
> http://www.nabble.com/fixed-linux-sclang-problem-t3762000.html
> -- 
> Gregory D. Weber             Home page: http://mypage.iu.edu/~gdweber/
>                              Telephone (765) 973-8420; FAX (765)
> 973-8550
> Schedule: http://mypage.iu.edu/~gdweber/contact/schedule.txt
> Associate Professor of Computer Science
> Chair, Curriculum Committee
> Indiana University East
> 2325 Chester Boulevard, Richmond, Indiana 47374-1289, U.S.A.
> ----

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